Life-Science catalizing economic growth and social wellbeing

Biocant & Biopark aim to solve the problem of inefficiency of models addressing technology transfer towards health outcomes available for the market in Portugal and abroad.

Therefore, the main activities performed are focused on capacity building in science for the industry needs in fields such as: Bioinformatics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biotechnology, Genomics and Microbiology.

These activities lead to an increased interest and investments attraction in life-sciences, from both sides: market and academia. And they boost the commercialization of innovations and enable economic growth and social wellbeingas main societal outcomes.

Up to date, there are at least 35 companies instaled and operating in the Biopark with 300 people enroled in post-graduation programs of which 90% are BSc, MSc and PhD levels. As a result, there are already 45 international patentes registered nationally.

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